Saturday, November 20, 2010

In Class Assignment- Theories:

A Swiss psychiatrist, the founder of analytical psychology, and understudy of Sigmund Freud.  He became known for his theory, the collective unconscious archetypes.  Jung took Freud's theory of the unconscious mind a step further.  His spin on the theory describes how the eternal forms, personal insticts, experiences, and inheritance of humanity forms our collective unconscious mind.  I understand that this theory provides us with our independent symbolism, hope, religious beliefs, and meanings.  Overall, it basically explains how we judge everyday life.

An Austrian medical doctor, psychologist, and founder of the school of individual psychology.  Adler was a colleague of Sigmund Freud.  Adler's idea was the inferiority complex, which Freud declared as too contrary.  I understand the basic idea behind this theory is that all children go through a stage of experiencing inferior feelings.  This is caused by being surrounded by stronger, and more capable adults.  Then the child becomes more aware of their personal feelings, and strives to be like their elders.

A German psychoanalyst and psychiatrist.  Horney had her own views; many agreeing, and many disagreeing with those of Sigmund Freud's.  She particularly criticized Freud's penis envy theory.  She believed Freud stumbled upon women's jealousy of men's power in the world.  Horney was later known for her women vs. men psychoanalysis.  I understand that she said Freud's penis envy theory was possible, but the womb envy theory must be present then too.

Questions?  Comments?  Concerns?  Post your thoughts!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sigmund Frued's Theories:

Our Psychology class today was focused around Sigmund Freud, and his multiple psychoanalytic theories.
Incorporating a bit of history; Freud was born in 1856 and lived until 1939.  He was a great student, and planned to study law at the University of Vienna.  Freud went to Paris on a traveling fellowship to study Neurology.  Soon after, Freud was experimenting with hypnosis, and the talking cure.  Later, he became known for his theories in human development, behavior, and personality.  His best know theories include: the unconscious mind, and the defense mechanism of repression.  Freud even founded the psychoanalytic school of psychiatry.  On the negative side, Freud tended to link many of his patient's problems, and his theories to one's inner, sexual desires.  Overall, he was a great contributor to the psychology field. 

I believe Freud did some great, and not so great things throughout his career.  I agree with many of his ideas.  For example: I agree, to an extent, with his ID, Ego, and Superego theory.  This theory is based on decision making, which everyone has to do.  There are causes, influences, and consequences in the process of making a decision.  I believe his generalization of how they are broken down are correct.  The ID is what the decision maker personally desires.  The Ego itself is the decision maker, and the Superego is what society expects from them.  It's just like what's seen in cartoons!  But what to pick; the angel or the devil?

I also disagree with many of his ideas.  For example: when he psychoanalyzed himself, he realized as a boy he had an attractive mother, whom he had sexual feelings toward.  He also was not very close with his father.  Therefore, he created a generalized theory that all young boys go through a stage of loving, and having sexual desires for their mothers.  They all hoped to marry their mothers someday by getting rid of their fathers.

Questions?  Comments?  Concerns?  Post your thoughts!